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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Trauma refers to an individual experiencing a severe distressing or disturbing experience. One has a horrific experience that usually causes shock and the feeling as if the experiences are not real. Trauma usually causes a number of predictable effects. These can be severe enough to result in a development of a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

One consequence is an individual having a feeling or belief that the trauma will reoccur. It may not be in the same exact circumstances, but results in a periodic feeling that something horrible will occur. Emotional reactions, thought patterns, physiological distress and behavior will be negatively impacted. Panic attacks sometimes develop, causing even further problems. There is an avoidance of being in a number of places and great apprehension even before going out of the home. An individual’s life can severely worsen, and this can persist for a long time, even forever. There can be repeated experiences where one thinks that the trauma is about to occur again, but it does not. However, the repeated experiences of such “false alarms” can have lingering effects even over a significant time period. This occurs more often than not.

People in car accidents think or feel they will be in another accident. It becomes very distressing when in a moving vehicle. Being in the area that the accident occurred, or being on a similar type of road can cause the most extreme distress. Being a passenger usually is more difficult as one does not have control of the vehicle that they are in. Life changes if an individual completely avoids driving, or limits to going very short distances.

War veterans become easily startled by loud noises, reacting as if they are being shot at. It is not unusual to experience nightmares of the trauma, or having a dream that is similar to the trauma. Very disturbing images of their traumatic experiences can pop into their mind at the worst possible times This can cause strange behavior that others do not understand. The effects on veterans are usually more complex as they may have experienced numerous traumatic events, such as when the individual could have been severely injured, thought they were about to die, or witnessed a close friend getting killed.

Rape can cause a woman to have difficulties with intimate relationships. Sex can be enjoyed and then all of the sudden become frightening. One may stop having sexual relations. Marriage may be avoided. An individual could avoid ever having children.

Reminders of any trauma can cause disturbing thoughts and flashbacks. These incessant thoughts and flashbacks can occur at any time. Dreams of the trauma or having similar content can occur.

Psychotherapy and biofeedback often reduce the problems described above, even if an individual thinks that is not possible.